The 10 Worst Cars Ever Designed


4. 1949 Crosley Hotshot:

The first postwar American sports car was the Crosley Hotshot. However, the model turned out to be quite useless then. The vehicle happened to be quite slow and was not reliable. It was also dangerous for use. The other factor that disqualified this vehicle is the fact that it was too light to be a realistic steel car, weighing about 1,100 lbs.

The designer, Powel Crosley Jr., originating from Cincinnati, was initially a radio star. He, however, wanted to venture into building of cars. This he did but never did it successfully. The Crosley Hotshot can be seen in the Mechanized Death video, but it is badly smashed.

This car had an average Cast-Iron Block Assembly at that time. In the 1951 LeMan race, the Hotshot won the Efficiency Index for its Super Sport car with doors feature. This innovation did not continue, nor was it found to be of help in the advanced technology as time moved.\

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