10 Hottest Women With Curves You Can’t Resist


Beauty can never be contained or labelled into one singular category as we write on 10 hottest women with curves you can’t resist. Throughout the dawn of the world we have fallen in love with women of all shapes and sizes. And no matter how the recent centuries have brought about pre-requisite standards of beauty for women, which mostly revolves around them being of a lesser and lesser size as the years passed; we do find voluptuous women crazily hot. So, in tune with breaking beauty stereotypes, we at Yorkfeed are presenting for you a list of 10 hottest women with curves whom you can’t resist. So, here we go.

  1. Monica Bellucci

Monica Bellucci

Starting the list at number 10 is none other than Italian mama Monica Bellucci. The 53-year-old actress and model has been a heartthrob of the world for more than three decades now. Included in Men’s Health magazine in its list of “100 Hottest Women of All-Time”, Bellucci is known for her work in The Matrix franchise, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Irreversible, among others. This mother of two also holds the distinction of becoming the oldest Bond girl at the age of 51, which she did in Spectre, showing the world that she still is a bad-ass. Surely, those curves are still in play!

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